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Etienne Rognin PhD

Senior Software Engineer

As a scientist, I've seen machine learning open up new avenues of research and I'm convinced that it will radically transform the way we approach complex engineering problems. When I first heard about Monumo, I was immediately drawn to the company's great ambition and technical challenge. I'm delighted to be able to combine my passion for physics and engineering with the development of exciting new computing tools. I'm excited to be joining a multidisciplinary and talented team to work on a mission as important as decarbonising transport.

Etienne has worked as a researcher at the University of Cambridge, and previously for the French Atomic Energy Commission. His interest in multiphysics problems has led him to work in a variety of fields such as nuclear waste treatment, polymer physics and drug delivery devices for brain cancers. In his spare time, he enjoys baking, cycling around Cambridge and playing music with his children.